
Showing posts from March, 2015

Alexis Morton: La Vie en France

When I first arrived in France, I felt like I was in a haze. I went through the motions without really taking in what was happening. I think since I’ve settled in to life in Amiens, I’ve noticed the differences between here and Vancouver; at first it frustrated me, but now they make me happy.  Even though I’m accustomed to my life here now, the differences make me step back and realize what a crazy adventure I’m on. The streets and sidewalks are cobblestone, I walk past the biggest Notre Dame cathedral in France every day on my way to school, and people really do walk around carrying baguettes! In my first week in France, I thought I would be homesick, but when I think of everything I’ve already done, and what I have planned ahead, it seems like I have such little time left.  In three weeks I saw five countries: Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and the Czech Republic. It was a whirlwind trip, days were packed, and I’m still trying to comprehend the amount of history

Brooklynn Nelsen: Home sick… What’s home sick?

Yes, you read that correctly. Maybe it just hasn’t hit me yet, but so far I have had no feelings of being home sick or missing rainy Vancouver. Most people who know me would find that hard to believe. In all honesty, I am a very emotional and sensitive person. However, England is very similar to home! The weather is similar, everyone is very polite and friendly, and you can buy all the same food, just for DOUBLE the price. I’m starting to think going to an English speaking country wasn’t putting myself far enough out of my comfort zone. Not to mention, with technology these days, it’s like I never left home. Thank goodness there is only a 4-hour window during the day where you can talk to friends and family or else I would have been better off staying home.   Aside from that, I have absolutely loved living on my own; from grocery shopping and cooking to doing what I want, when I want. I think the freedom of not always having someone telling you what to do every day, has made